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COMM305: Cross-Cultural Communication | Search Prep

Resources and search strategies for COMM305: Cross-Cultural Communication - Fall 2024

Your Librarian

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Amanda Walch
Raugust Library, Reference & Instruction Office
701-252-3467 ext. 5441

In-Class Activity

Searching is Strategic

Before you search: prepare & strategize

Taking some time to strategize before you start searching can save you some frustration along the way.


Think about:

  • The specific information you need about your country
    • General information? Facts and data? Research on particular aspects like economy or culture?
  • What other information you'll need to support your paper - what questions are you being asked to address? 


As you brainstorm answers to these questions and suggestions, jot down some notes - those notes will then help you come up with search terms and keywords, and help you decide where to search.

magnifying class iconDeveloping Keywords:

  1. Locate the essential words in your research question, problem statement, hypothesis, or thesis.
    • What are the nouns, proper nouns, and action verbs that make up your question?
    • What are the major concepts or themes that your question addresses?
  2. Think of a few synonyms or related terms for each keyword.
  3. Consider how combining your keywords will change your search results.
    • Which words will it be useful to search together?


Decide where to search

After you have some keywords, you'll have to decide where to search. Depending on what kind of information you need, try the different resources suggested under each section of this Guide: