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ENGLISH: Research Guide | Find Books & Media

Resource suggestions and search tips for research in English literature and creative writing.

Your Librarian

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Amanda Walch
Raugust Library, Director's Office
701-252-3467 ext. 5441

In This Section

stack of booksIn this section, you'll find:


Great for going deeper

Books, like articles, will report on specific research done by scholars in the field. When you know your topic or research question, check out a few books for information that will support your ideas or answer your questions. Films and documentaries can be a great way to supplement your other research, or to find visual representations of your topic.

Search the Catalog

Find books, ebooks, and media in the UJ Libraries by searching the catalog.

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Browse for Books

If you are interested in browsing, try looking at Dewey Decimal Call Numbers in the

  • 420s: English language (grammar, etymology, etc.)
  • 800s: Literature (including novels, short fiction, poetry, drama, essays, literary criticism)
    • 810s: American literature in English
      • 811: American poetry in English
      • 812: American drama in English
    • 820s: English and Old English literatures
      • 821: English Poetry
      • 822: English drama

Streaming Media

These databases contain video resources to support your research or help you learn about new topics.

eBook Collections @ UJ

In addition to searching through the catalog, you can browse the eBook collections at UJ.