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Lesson Planning Resources | Get Started

Lesson planning resources (online and in the library) for elementary, middle, and high school teachers.

Your Librarian

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Amanda Walch
Raugust Library, Reference & Instruction Office
701-252-3467 ext. 5441

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In This Guide

appleIn this Guide, you'll find:

  • Links to online lesson plan resources for elementary education (grades K-5) and secondary education (grades 6-12)
  • K-12 resources from the ND State Library
  • Lesson planning resources in Raugust Library


Use the black tabs to navigate this Guide by subject or content area.

Note: Some of the sites in this Guide will require free accounts for full access to lesson plans. Make accounts at your own discretion, but even if you don't, these sites can be useful for inspiration.


Share your lessons with Raugust Library!

This guide is a living document. If you find an online resource for lesson plans or use particular resource in student teaching or for class that you think other students would benefit from, please feel free to send it to the Reference & Instruction Librarian!

Key Resources

double arrow pointing rightUJ Lesson Plan Template

Download and use this template for planning your lessons! This template is required for student teaching lessons that will be observed by UJ faculty.

double arrow pointing rightND DPI K-12 Education Content Standards

These content standards from the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction "serve as expectations for what students should know and be able to do for each grade span."

Featured Lesson Planning Resources

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Online Resources

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