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SOC101: Introduction to Sociology | Where to Search

Resources and search tips for SOC101: Introduction to Sociology

Your Librarian

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Amanda Walch
Raugust Library, Reference & Instruction Office
701-252-3467 ext. 5441

Where you search depends on your topic

magnifying glass iconThis section has database suggestions for if you:


I have a general idea about my topic

double arrow pointing rightStart here

These databases are general and cover a lot of topics. They're great places to start your searching. Take a look at the databases in the next section, too, as you start to hone in on a specific topic.

I have a really specific topic

double arrow pointing rightTry a more subject-focused database

These databases cover a more narrow set of resources, focused on particular subject areas. Start your search in Academic Search Complete or JSTOR, but you might also try one (or more) of these databases too.

I'm still thinking about what I want to research

double arrow pointing rightStart here

These databases can help you learn about major ideas and areas of study within sociology, help you narrow an idea down to a manageable topic, and help you come up with search terms (keywords). Then, dig into the databases above for articles you can use in your assignment.