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Academic Integrity

Academic integrity resources and information from Raugust Library and the UJ Writing Center.

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Academic Integrity at UJ

University of Jamestown Academic Integrity Policy

At University of Jamestown, we operate in an atmosphere of mutual trust between and among instructors and students.

Sometimes this trust is violated through the intentional or accidental misrepresentation of facts, ideas, or data by members of the academic community. Such misrepresentations are violations of the Academic Integrity Policy. There are three main types of violations: cheating, inappropriate collaboration, and plagiarism.

  1. Cheating involves the misrepresentation of knowledge or experience.
  2. Inappropriate collaboration involves presenting academic work as one’s independent effort when it includes significant elements of the work of others.
  3. Plagiarism involves both theft and cheating. When someone appropriates, for use in formal course work, the wording, phrasing, or ideas of another, and either accidentally or intentionally fails to acknowledge the debt, it is considered theft. Plagiarism is also cheating in that one is creating a false impression about one’s own intelligence, ability, and achievement.


To read the full policy, visit: