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Academic Integrity | For Students

Academic integrity resources and information from Raugust Library and the UJ Writing Center.

In This Section

magnifying glass iconIn this section, you'll find:

  • Videos and resources to help you learn about academic integrity topics such as

Learning About Plagiarism

Quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing information from other sources can be a great way to bolster your own arguments for a research paper or project. In fact, your professor probably requires it! But if you use someone else's words and ideas, you have to be sure to cite them correctly. If you pass off someone else's work as your own, that's plagiarism.

Below are a few resources to help you learn about what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.


Recognizing Plagiarism


Avoiding Plagiarism

Luckily, there's a lot we can do to avoid plagiarizing in our work. Check out the videos below!

Citation Help

Why do we cite?

  • To give credit to others' ideas and intellectual property, because information has value
  • To participate in the scholarly conversation by showing clearly where your research fits into and builds on existing information
  • To demonstrate that you've done your research and know your field


This quick video (2 minutes) offers a brief introduction to what a citation is, and why we use them in academic writing:

Video on YouTube by North Carolina State University Libraries (CC 3.0 BY-NC-SA US)

Resources from Raugust Library

Resources on the Web

Have questions?

question mark iconThe Writing Center & the Library can help!

Ask us about:

  • Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing sources
  • Citing sources
  • Evaluating sources
  • Using sources to support your own analysis

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