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Archives at Raugust Library | Policy on Confidential Files

Information and finding aids for local history of Stutsman County and for Jamestown College/the University of Jamestown in the Archives at Raugust Library.

Policy on Confidential Files in the University of Jamestown Archives

This policy applies to all University of Jamestown documents in the Archives regardless of format.

The Archives of the University of Jamestown exist to collect, preserve, organize, and make available the vital documents of the University and other materials to members of the campus community.  Outside researchers are also welcome to use the archives while working on topics of their own interest.  

While the majority of the records may be accessed and used without restrictions, use of confidential files will be allowed only when there is a legitimate need.  This restriction includes but is not limited to the following record series :

  • Any records covered under FERPA
  • Any records covered under HIPAA
  • Any records marked Confidential when received by the Archives
  • Lawsuits
  • Sexual harassment/assault
  • Student Conduct Committee
  • Faculty Hearing Committee
  • Personnel Records 

Researchers may petition to gain access to restricted records by requesting them using the attached form.

University of Jamestown employees may access freely records originating in their office or department for the purpose of furthering their work.  A log will be kept.

These records will be processed ONLY by a University Archivist; student workers or interns will not be allowed to work with these documents.

Subpoenas for records will be referred to the University Provost.

Request for Access to Restricted Materials in the University of Jamestown Archives

Please submit your request one week in advance of the date you wish to access these materials so that the University has adequate time to consider your request.

Submit request or questions to:

Phyllis Bratton, University Archivist