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Archives at Raugust Library | Statement on The Jamestown Sun

Information and finding aids for local history of Stutsman County and for Jamestown College/the University of Jamestown in the Archives at Raugust Library.

The Jamestown Sun

Statement on Access to the Jamestown Sun


The Archives of the University of Jamestown received the bound, printed copies of The Jamestown Sun in the fall of 2022 when the newspaper’s offices were vacated.  We were delighted to be able to take possession of this wonderful resource for our local and regional history.  

This is a large, valuable, and delicate collection, and the space issues for storage and access to the newspapers are very serious.  They have been placed into storage at the Legacy Center and can be made available by appointment by contacting the University of Jamestown archivist.

This is a collection in transition, with plans for additional access in the near future.

We appreciate your patience during this transition.  In the meantime, please use the microfilm copies at the Alfred Dickey Public Library.


Phyllis Bratton, Archivist

March 25, 2024