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MUSIC: Research Guide | Watch & Listen

Resource suggestions and search tips for research in music as well as access to scores and sheet music.

Your Librarian

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Amanda Walch
Raugust Library, Director's Office
701-252-3467 ext. 5441

In This Section

treble clef with some notes on wavy staff linesIn this section, you'll find:

Streaming Databases

double arrow pointing rightListen

Stream classical music (and more) with this library database:

double arrow pointing rightWatch

Find videos of performances as well as documentaries and programs on music topics:

Physical Formats

Raugust Library has recordings on CD as well as DVDs of performances, documentaries, and many films.

If you would like to see if Raugust Library has a specific recording or film, use Advanced Search in the catalog.

1. Click the radio button for UJ Libraries (to limit to only items we own)

2. Enter in the composer and/or the title of the piece into the first search bar

3. Change the Material Type to "Sound recordings" or if you're looking for film, "Video/Film"

screenshot of an advanced search for recordings