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PSYCHOLOGY: Research Guide | Find Articles

Research help and resource suggestions for research in psychology.

Your Librarian

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Amanda Walch
Raugust Library, Director's Office
701-252-3467 ext. 5441

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In This Section

icon of a lightbulb that is half a brain within a silhouetted headIn this section, you'll find:


Great for going deeper

Articles, which you can access through databases and through the library's catalog, will report on specific research done by scholars in the field. When you know your topic or research question, dig into articles for information that will support your ideas or answer your questions.

Create a Search Plan

Use this worksheet to plan out how and where you'll search:

Core Databases

magnifying class iconTIP: Search multiple databases at once

If several databases are all accessible through the same platform, you can search more than one of them at once! Here's how:

  1. In a database, look for a "Change databases" or "Choose databases" link, typically near the search bar.
  2. Check the boxes of the databases you want to search together.
  3. Click "OK" or "Use selected databases" and you're good to go!

Selected Psychology Journals

More Databases

Google Scholar

Need Help Finding Articles?

question mark iconNeed help finding articles?

Contact the Reference & Instruction Librarian for help...

  • Finding a Database
  • Identifying Search Terms
  • Citing Resources
  • Creating a Research Plan
  • Getting the Most out of Library Resources!