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Student Research Symposium

Information about the Student Research Symposium and Student Research Funds

Student Research Funds

The UJ Libraries and the Office of the Dean of the Undergraduate College are proud to support undergraduate student research through the Student Research Fund!

The primary purpose of the fund is to allow presentation of student research at conferences. However, funds can also be used for research on campus for costs of materials, equipment or personnel, or attendance at a research conference in which the student is not presenting. All fund recipients will present their research or conference materials to the University of Jamestown community.

Research is defined broadly as a creative or scholarly product typical of research in the discipline. Research eligible for this grant must be conducted with a faculty member as your research advisor and must conform to IRB standards.

The UJ Libraries faculty will consider applications monthly during the academic year. Funds will be awarded to meritorious applicants on a first come, first served basis. Top consideration will be to allow a student to present original research at a regional or national conference and for the use of funds to pay for materials, equipment, or personnel necessary to carry out research. Funds may also be given to students to attend a research conference at which they do not present if material from the conference is used directly in a research project or leads to student presentation to the UJ community.

For more information, please find the Student Research Fund Application below and reach out to the Director of Libraries with questions.

Student Research Fund Application Form

University of Jamestown Student Research Fund Application

(Administered by the UJ Libraries and the Office of the Dean of the Undergraduate College)


The UJ Libraries faculty will review applications from students for funds to cover expenses associated with undergraduate research.  The primary purpose of the fund is to allow presentation of student research at conferences.  However, funds can also be used for research on campus for costs of materials, equipment or personnel, or attendance at a research conference in which the student is not presenting. All fund recipients will present their research or conference materials to the University of Jamestown community.

Definition of research:

Research is defined broadly as a creative or scholarly product typical of research in the discipline.  It can include laboratory research and experiments.  In the arts it may involve the production of a creative product.  In the humanities it might involve library research involving primary sources.  Research eligible for this grant must be conducted with a faculty member as your research advisor and must conform to IRB standards.


The UJ Libraries faculty will meet monthly to consider applications. Applications for presenting papers may be submitted prior to papers being accepted, and the library faculty will consider reserving funds until the paper’s acceptance is determined.  All material should be submitted to the Director of Libraries. Funds will be awarded to meritorious applicants on a first come, first served basis.

Funds and Disbursements:

During the 2023-2024 school year, funds will be available for undergraduate research.  In most cases, the funds will not be able to cover all expenses, so not all grants are funded, and submission of an application is not a guarantee of funding.  Proper documentation such as Travel Request Form(s), conference registration form(s) and expense receipt(s) must be provided prior to the disbursement of funds. The total must not exceed the amount of the grant even if your expenses do. Proper documentation along with your award letter from the UJ Libraries must be submitted via the requisition system for payment to the office of the Dean.


Consideration will be given to applications that meet at least one of three criteria.  Top consideration will be to allow a student to present original research at a regional or national conference and for the use of funds to pay for materials, equipment, or personnel necessary to carry out research.  Finally, funds may be given to students to attend a research conference at which they do not present if material from the conference is used directly in a research project or leads to student presentation to the UJ community. The student’s research advisor must approve and sign this application. If Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval was necessary prior to conducting the research activity, the applicant must contact the IRB chair and have him or her sign this application indicating compliance with IRB policies and procedures.

If funds are used to attend a conference at which the student does not present research, we will require a description of how the conference will be used in student research and how it will be presented to the UJ community or an appropriate unit (a department, division, etc.).  The UJ Libraries may make stipulations requiring that conference attendance be used in or lead to the production of a research project or report.


Applicants will be notified in writing of the UJ Libraries’ decision.


For more information regarding this grant program, consult with your academic or research advisor or contact the Director of Libraries, Tuya Dutton (