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EDUCATION: Research Guide | Get Started

Search tips and resource suggestions for research in education.

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Amanda Walch
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Getting Started

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Finding Background Information

Reference sources - great for getting started

Reference sources are a great starting point for research. Reference sources typically provide definitions, give topic overviews, and explain theories. They can also point to additional readings and scholarship. Examples of reference sources include: dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, guidebooks, manuals, and textbooks. 

book cover

The Greenwood Dictionary of Education

Provides authoritative definitions for more than 2,600 terms that apply to educational research, practice, and theory.

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Dictionary of Multicultural Education

In-depth explanations of the history, use, and implications of more than 150 terms as defined by scholars prominent in the field.

Encyclopedia of American Education

Provides a wealth of information on virtually every aspect of education, from the evolution of school curriculum, education funding, and church-state controversies to the latest debates on multiculturalism, prayer in school, and sex education.

Encyclopedia of Educational Reform and Dissent

Key topics include: biographies, theoretical and ideological perspectives, key programs and legislation, the politics and processes of educational reform and policy making, dissent and resistance, and technology's impact on educational reform.

Early Childhood Education: An International Encyclopedia

Discusses key historical and contemporary issues, research, theoretical perspectives, national policies, and practices

Key Concepts in Education

Provides students with essential themes, topics and expressions that Education students are likely to encounter, both during their courses and beyond in professional practice.

Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory

Entries on topics of theoretical and practical interest in educational theory and philosophy by authoritative world scholars.

Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies

Provides a comprehensive introduction to the academic field of curriculum studies for the scholar, student, teacher, and administrator.