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LANGUAGES: Research Guide | Find Books & Media

Resource suggestions and search tips for research in French, Spanish, and German.

Your Librarian

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Amanda Walch
Raugust Library, Director's Office
701-252-3467 ext. 5441

In This Guide

"hello" in speech bubbles in several languagesIn this section, you'll find:


Books in Raugust Library

Find books, eBooks, and A/V materials in the University of Jamestown's Library. 

Browsing Subjects & Call Numbers

If you are interested in browsing for topics in French, German, and Spanish (either on the shelf or in the catalog), or would like to browse for inspiration, try looking at Dewey Decimal Call Numbers in the 

  • 430s: German & related languages
  • 440s: French & related languages
  • 460s: Spanish & Portuguese languages
  • 830s: German & related literature
  • 840s: French & related literatures
  • 860s: Spanish & Portuguese literatures

DVDs in Raugust Library

To find DVDs in other languages (such as foreign film), use Advanced Search in the library catalog.

Change Material Type to "Video/Film" and Language to the language you are looking for. Make sure the radio button for UJ Libraries is selected, too! Then, enter a search term.

screenshot of advanced search for French film

eBook Collections @ UJ

In addition to searching the catalog, you can browse ebook collections directly:

Streaming Media

Search these databases for video in other languages, as well as videos on the history, language, and culture of other countries.