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NURSING: Research Guide | Find Articles

Research help and resource suggestions for research in Nursing.

Your Librarian

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Amanda Walch
Raugust Library, Director's Office
701-252-3467 ext. 5441

Off Campus Access

In This Section

illustration of a nurse clipboardIn this section, you'll find:

  • Databases to search for articles


Great for going deeper

Articles, which you can access through databases and through the library's catalog, will report on specific research done by scholars in the field. When you know your topic or research question, dig into articles for information that will support your ideas or answer your questions.

Create a Search Plan

Search Library Databases

double arrow pointing rightStart with these core databases

Try these go-to databases first for nursing research and nursing journals. Then explore the other tabs of this section for databases that focus on various aspects of health and medical research.

magnifying class iconSearch Tips: Nursing Journals@Ovid

Nursing Journals@Ovid provides access to our subscription of about 50 nursing journals and evidence-based practice resources. However, you can search more broadly within Ovid if you click on the link above the search bar to Change resources and add or switch to Journals@Ovid Full Text. You will then have articles in your search results that we don't have full-text access to. Don't ever pay for an article, and don't be discouraged if you see "Pay per view" articles. You can:

  • Request articles through ILL by clicking on the orange and white "Get it @ UJ" buttons you see in each search result.
  • Search the titles of articles without full text in the Library Catalog to see if we have access to them in other databases..

Questions along the way? Email your Reference & Instruction Librarian, Amanda, at

double arrow pointing rightTry these databases for a broader set of health & wellness articles

From additional scholarly-focused resources to databases geared more towards consumers, this broader set of databases will widen your search net.

double arrow pointing rightTry these databases for evidence-based practice resources

These resources include systematic reviews, evidence-based guides and information sheets, and more. For more EBP resources and info, see the EBP Guide:

Evidence-Based Practice Guide

double arrow pointing rightTry these databases for articles from other medical & related fields

These databases cover medicine and the health sciences more broadly, or focus on related fields such as psychology/mental health.

Psychology & mental health

Need Help Finding Articles?

question mark iconNeed help finding articles?

Contact the Reference & Instruction Librarian for help...

  • Finding a Database
  • Identifying Search Terms
  • Citing Resources
  • Creating a Research Plan
  • Getting the Most out of Library Resources!